What does BOLD mean? Is it merely the ability to take risks, be confident and courageous as Mirriam Webster says? Or is it a way of being that has created every significant human breakthrough and pushes us forward to accomplish what may seem impossible?
I have spent my adult life trying to be BOLD in the attempt to defy the challenges of having Cystic Fibosis. By becoming more and more BOLD as defined below I have lived decades past my life expectancy, have competing in marathons and found great happiness amidst on going challenges. When I met Jamie Vann and learned of the SoDP vision I was hooked.
I connected with the desire to conquer the dual spiritual enemies of low expectations and exclusion. The only way to conquer powerful obstacles is to counter with a more powerful way.
Let’s discover what BOLD is. There are 4 ways of being that define BOLD. Our effort must be infused with them if we are to innovate and change the world for this community.
Courage in the face of adversity. SoDP is facing the daunting task of creating something from nothing. A vision has grown into a plan, into a board, into a dedicated effort that is progressing closer and closer to the goal. We must remain courageous (fearless) while facing every obstacle.
Dare to stand out from the rest. SoDP will be the 2nd amusement park in the WORLD that is specifically designed to serve the special needs community. Let that sink in….the 2nd of its kind in the WORLD. Children and adults who cannot get on rides at other major parks will be able to safely enjoy what we take for granted. DARE to bring this tremendous gift to life.
Confident about what lies ahead. We must go beyond optimism that this park can happen. We need to get border line obsessed about creating a life changing experience for kids who would otherwise not feel wind in their hair or the simple pleasure of playing in water.
Un-apologetic belief in yourself and others. We must believe we can do this. If we support each other without excuse and without qualification so many lives will be changed. A Mother and Father could witness their child experiencing the joy of feeling “normal” and free from limitations. Even if that freedom is momentary the memory will be forever.
Courage, daring, confident and belief. Let these ways direct your effort. Let that effort create a gift only BOLD can create.
Live Bold – Michael Burke

Going beyond the dictionary definition I ask you to consider
Can you imagine going through your entire childhood without feeling wind rushing through your hair? This simple pleasure that most of us have experienced time and again is not possible for many in the special needs community.
THAT will soon be something of the past.